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6 Learnable Mind-sets for Success

Are mind-sets learnable? Of-course they are are! Is success learnable? Of-course it is. People don't wake up one morning and they're successful. Success is a focused decision, it's about putting your goals in place to measure and track your journey, knowing what you want, when you want it by and how you are going to get it. Unless you do something about reaching your success it will not happen on its own. Is this easy? No in most cases it isn't.

I have always been amazed at the fact that there are so many people out there who believe that they will never be successful at anything. If you have this mind-set, you've already failed.

Many think that success is having millions of dollars, a large bank account, a corporate company, driving expensive cars. This is not necessarily success. Sometimes people look successful because they have all these things but it's purely your perception of how they portray themselves. I am not saying that these people aren't successful, they might rightfully be, however for someone who look on themselves as the "ordinary" everyday person, these things might seem unreachable.

What is Success? I believe that success or to be successful; is achieving anything that you set your mind on, that you start and finish, any goal that you reach no matter how big or small, any accomplishment that moves you further forward, this is success. Here are 6 focuses that you should pay attention to, understand and learn that will increase your chances of being successful:

1. Know and Accept yourself.

Learn as much as you can about yourself. Especially what you want, you desires, your dreams and how you will reach them. Know your mission, your personality, you will be surprised how many people just don't know themselves. Take the time to know your strengths and weaknesses.

Accept yourself for who you are and work with what you have been given. If you feel that your weaknesses hold you back then look at ways that you can overcome them and make them strengths. For example, If you are an introvert, don't try and be an extrovert, something that you are not this will only hinder your progress.

2. Understand that you have control over the trajectory of your life.

Don't be a victim of life. Take control of the thing that you can control. Understand that even though you are steering your ship, you only have control over yourself. You must understand and accept that you can't control the weather out at sea or whatever else the world throws in your path, but you can control how you react to these obstacles, you can anticipate that the weather will turn bad before it happens and act before this obstacle is in your path. And always remember that if you keep pushing forward you will eventually reach your destination.

3. Set yourself goals congruent with your personality, values, interests, strengths, skills, mission and purpose.

You can't base your goals on your urges, moods or circumstances. Look at Mother Teresa, she lived her life based on who she really was, what she valued, what she was good at and what she realized her mission was. Steve Jobs was another successful person who followed his personality values, interest, strengths, skills, mission and purpose. Sometimes successful people pay dearly for pursuing their path but I doubt that any of them would have had it any other way. See your setbacks as opportunities for growth and improvement.

Friedrich Nietzsche aptly said, “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.”

4. Accept that you will repeatedly go through tough times.

Tough times are par for the course for those who do big things. You know that’s how the world works so don’t fight or complain about it. Without difficult times and failures, there is no learning, no growth. You know that nothing worth achieving comes without a struggle. You also know there’s a difference between suffering and struggling.

The Dalai Lama wrote, “Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.” Successful people struggle and feel pain, but don’t suffer because they are living their lives and pursuing goals that are in line with who they are, what they value, and what they believe to be their purpose or mission. To them, it is worth it.

5. Understand that once your reach your destination, you will find another.

When successful people reach their destination they find another and it is because of this that they accept and enjoy the struggle, because they know that the journey is the destination. Success does not lie in a point or a place, there is no edge that you get to and you realize that this is the end of your journey and you're now successful. Your life is your success and the journey is the destination. This is why it is important for you to implement point 3 - set your goals congruent with your personality values, interests, strengths, skills, mission and purpose. Be stingy with your time and be sure to spend your time on something that is worth it. Realize that you only have one life to live, so enjoy the journey.

6. Be Happy!!

If you are not happy then you are not successful. Have you ever seen an unhappy successful person? No! Remember no-one can make you happy. People can only contribute to your happiness. Happiness is within. You are either a happy person or not a happy person, but at the end of the day this totally depends on you and only you can change this.

That's your 6 learnable mind-sets for success. I hope that you find value in this and if you do please let me know by dropping me a note on or make a comment.

Until Next time.

Ann Marot

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