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Your Mind-Set Shapes What You Believe

Did you know that your mind-set shapes whether you believe you can learn, change and grow or not!

Yes it's true! When you look at your physical characteristics, like the shape of your skull or the size of your feet - these characteristics are more or less entirely predetermined from the start, of course you could change them with surgery if you wanted to but we generally have very little control over our bodies features full stop.

But what about your intellectual and physical abilities, like playing a sport or solving a mathematical problem? Are you born with these abilities or are they learnt? Today most scientists agree that to become a concert pianist or a professional tennis player, you not only need a musical or sporting disposition but must dedicate years of your life to practicing. Still there are as many answers to these questions as there are people, for your mind-set plays a crucial role in how you see yourselves and others. Simply put, your mind-set shapes your beliefs in accomplishing something or anything.

There are 2 extremes which form the basis of mind-set and these are:

1. A fixed mind-set

2. A growth mind-set

Let me give you an example of each.

A fixed mind-set person believes that they are born naturally gifted at doing somethings and utterly incapable of doing other things. They often let their black and white way of thinking obstruct their development. When they fail at something they bury their heads in the sand or blame others.

These type of people hope for ever lasting love in their relationships rather than working on the relationships themselves. People with fixed mind-sets believe that a person's abilities are set in stone. They believe that a person is either intelligent and talented or stupid and incompetent.

Whereas a person with a growth mind-set believes that they can do or become virtually anything if they try hard enough. Their colorful way of thinking advances their development. When they fail at something they look at it as a learning curve, pick themselves up and start again. These type of people attract others because of their ability to believe that anything is possible; it simply is a question of how you look at whatever you are doing. They are aware that if you don't try hard enough at anything even relationships then you will not reach your goal, be it to have a long term successful relationship or a successful business venture.

Most of the time when these two different mind-set types of people are in the same company, you will most often find that the fixed mind-set person considers the growth mind-set person a dreamer, farfetched, unrealistic or someone who is stupid to think that they can do something that its clear that they totally can't - of course "they can't" in the mind of the fixed mind-set person.

It's my opinion that there is no "wrong or right" and I am not saying that you should be one or the other but my questions to you are; who are you? Who do you think out of these two different mind-set people will be successful in achieving and living out their passion? And what if you are a fixed mind-set person, could you change if you wanted to? Think about it and I would love to hear what you think.

What do I believe? Well it's simple, I believe that whether you think you can or you can't - you are right!

Ann Marot

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