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Collagen - What is it?

Did you even know that your skin looks like this? No! most people don't! (If you want to skip ahead and go straight to taking a look at my collagen protein products - I will understand - go to: )

Until recently, collagen has mainly figured as a skin treatment for removing the lines

of aging, but there is growing evidence that it can stimulate the growth of new cartilage in joints, provides structure and strength to: cells, tissues, tendons, bones, ligaments, cartilage and skin.

It forms in sturdy bundles and ropes called collagen fibers, working alongside keratin to keep skin youthful and wrinkle-free. Collagen is the main component in all connective tissues and it is what keeps joints cushioned and muscles strong. According to an article in the British Journal of Dermatology (Vol 93, Issue 6), as we age we lose collagen, which accounts for thickness and density of the skin.

What is collagen?

Collagen is a polypeptide molecule. It is the most abundant substance in our body next to water, the largest and most abundant protein found in the body, and is critical to our health and well-being. Collagen is a chain of over 1500 amino acids. Amino acids such as Glycine, Proline, Arginine and Hydroxyproline exist in collagen in varying proportions, depending upon the source.

Collagen provides the structural integrity and cohesion between every cell and helps to hydrate our organs. Collagen helps form fibres and the connective tissue for almost all of our structure, including:

Heart, lungs, arteries, discs, blood cells, skin, muscles, bones, cartilage, liver, hair, joints, nails, prostate and other organs.

After the age of 25, we begin to lose our natural collagen at the rate of at least 1% per year. Collagen production significantly decreases due to hormonal changes, diet, lifestyle factors, nutritional deficits, stress, trauma, dehydration etc. Women have lower amounts of collagen than men at all ages.

Collagen not only restores skin’s elasticity, but relieves joint pain, builds lean muscle, reduces fat & rejuvenates hair & nails and a whole lot more.

A common example of a decrease in collagen production is a drooping or falling of the skin and muscles as we age (ptosis). Most people are not getting adequate amounts of collagen in their diets. There are many types of collagen but I will talk mostly of types 1-5 and here are what they are:

Type I: bones, tendons, ligament and skin

Type II: cartlige and eyes

Type III: liver, lungs and arteries

Type IV: kidneys and internal organs

Type V: Surface of cells, hair and placenta

So why am I telling you all of this? Well because over 40's is a time where we see most changes in our bodies taking place. Men and Women. But as a woman - this normally puts pressure on us and we look for product that can help us prolong the aging process. We turn to creams and gels and 2 minute solution "stuff" that is marketed to us in such a way that we fall for it every time without fail. What we have to remember is that these big cosmetic companies are all about making money - so here is a bit of advise. Look for people who you can trust who can advise you on tried and tested solutions rather than spend thousands of hard earned bucks on something that doesn't work.

In my next post, I am going to share with you just how Sherial got the 10 years younger look, and take it from me - I don't put my name to any product that I don't know works or not - this works! So tune into my next blog post on what Sherial did........ until next time!

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