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Anti-Aging -the results will shock you!

I arrived in Las Vegas and was met by a friend of mine who lived in the buzzing city. I was astounded with the way Sherial looked. I thought she had gone for a facelift, but it wasn't only her face that had changed it was her body as well. Let me tell you her story!

Sherial is 65 years old. She has always struggled with weight and health problems. You can see her before photo, her face was puffy a sure sign of water retention and her skin rough, pores screaming for air and her hair was thinning. In October of 2013 she was rushed to hospital thinking that she was having a heart attack but luckily for her she wasn't. She had high bloodpressure, 225/110 (crazy stuff), water retention so badly that her legs were swollen to double the normal size. She couldn't walk. She spent 3 days in the hospital only to be told that her electrolites were out of whack. A friend of hers told her about a company that had amazing products, especially the collagen protein product and the detox product that would help her to health. So she investigated, got the products and started taking them.

Two months after I met her and as you can see from the photo dated January 2014 the improvement in her skin, hair and body was amazing (I took this photo). In March 2014 on my return to Vegas she had changed even more. No longer was she suffering from water retention and inflammation, no longer was she struggling to walk, and no longer was her skin screaming out for help. Here was a 10 years younger looking woman. (picture March 2014).

How was this possible, how could this amazing change come about over such a short time?

Well let me tell you and you probably didn't know this because I didn't - we are loosing collagen at a rate of 1% every year after the age of 25. This is why we age, our skin becomes druppy, the wrinkles creep in and the health issues begin. I didn't even know that there are different types of collagen - so in my next blog post I am going to share this amazing discovery with you, something you should definitely know if you are over 40...... see you in the next post.

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