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What was I doing in Las Vegas?

How do I start? Traditional business was just getting too much for me so I decided to take a trip to USA and find an alternative. I had been watching the Network Marketing industry - a lot of misunderstanding around this industry and I wanted to find out more - mostly how it was possible that the people in this industry to be making so much money, was it real?

So Off I went to attend a conference in Las Vegas, the city of lights, action and tons of people from all over the world all heading there with a purpose, some objective. With 5000 people attending this network marketing conference I was certain that I would find what I was looking for. So why was I looking? Let me explain what was happening to me as I am sure that you will relate. Trational business was something that I was used to and owned my own marketing company for 19 years. I accepted that there would be stresses involved but as the economy changed it became more and more evident that people were struggling financially and of-course the first thing to get cut is the marketing, even though this is totally the wrong move. But funny enough it didn't affect my business too much and business was coming in. However the real problem was getting people to pay me for my services. The consistent monthly fights for money, exhausted me and added to the stress.

I needed to take advantage of a situation where there was a residual income. I wanted leverage and duplication. This made sense to me. I wanted to work in a team where we were all working towards the same objectives and goals. I wanted more time freedom whilst still being secure financially. Where would I get this? Network Marketing!

Was I scared of the change, hell yes!! Did I fear starting again - OMG most definitely! I knew that this change would be for the better so even though there was fear, my desire for change for the better was stronger and so I pursued it!

The most incredible thing happened whilst I was on this road of discovery, it was something not expected but it changed my life. Let me tell you in my next blog post - I'll see you then.....

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A year ago, I decided it’s time to change my lifestyle. This meant taking control of my life and making important decisions...

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